New Service: Manuscript Evaluation
As of August 2023, Bright Owl Edits is offering manuscript evaluations. Not everyone knows what that is, so here’s a quick explanation.
A manuscript evaluation is a detailed report for authors looking for direction on their manuscript.
“Isn’t that just what beta readers do?”
Not quite. Beta readers look at a (hopefully) finished manuscript from the point of view of the average reader. They can tell an author their opinions of the work and give advice on what they think could be improved, but they’re doing so from the standpoint of a reader. A manuscript evaluation is analyzed from the point of view of an editor.
“So, it’s developmental editing?”
A developmental editor takes a manuscript and studies the structure, narrative, voice, world-building (if applicable), and character development, in order to help the author develop the manuscript into a more complete whole. There are often several rounds of edits and communication, as the author and editor strengthen weaker aspects, cut superfluous material or add detail that was lacking.
With a manuscript evaluation, you’re getting the “lite” version of developmental editing. You will receive a ten- to fifteen-page report that includes a thorough analysis and feedback/advice on the elements that a developmental editor is examining, but without the larger fee of a full developmental edit. The advantage of the lower fee is offset by the disadvantage of not being able to go back and forth over multiple rounds (which is common in developmental editing services).
So if you’re stuck with how to improve your manuscript, wanting more extensive feedback than beta readers or friends can provide, but don’t want to engage in a full developmental edit, you could consider a manuscript evaluation.