
When I got my finished manuscript back from Jill, I couldn't believe how refined it was.

Not only did she provide a thorough line edit, but she went above and beyond by ensuring consistency throughout my novel, helping with character development, and catching errors I hadn't previously noticed. Her dedication to my project exceeded expectations, and I am so grateful for her work!

Evelyn Cazier

I had the pleasure of working with Jill on my latest novel, and her service was nothing short of exceptional. Her keen eye for detail, insightful feedback, and dedication to enhancing my work truly made a difference. She brought out the best in my manuscript, and I couldn't be happier with the results.

Highly recommended!

Cary Anne

I highly recommend [Jill] to look over any manuscript you may have. She is thorough, honest, and most importantly, constructive. Her comments and ideas are respectful and genuinely helpful.

— Dylan Waith

I worked with Jill Durkin, of Bright Owl Edits, for two books, and I would be pleased to continue having her edit any of my future manuscripts. Her insightfulness and ability to stay true to my vision is what I look for in an editor. Her suggestions only improved the narrative, and I feel the quality of my writing has grown by leaps and bounds, thanks to her collaboration.

I am proud to put my duology out into the universe, and I have every intention of mentioning Jill Durkin, and Bright Owl Edits in my acknowledgements!

Kimberley D. Tait

The feedback was spot on! The detail was impressive and I’m pretty sure that the work you’ve done and the changes I’ve made have tightened and transformed this book.

I’m thrilled.

Thank you again for all of the hard work and dedication. It was such a relief to hire someone who clearly loves their job. It shows!

Christine Winston

“Discovering Jill with Bright Owl Edits has been a game changer for me. I’ve used two copy/line/proof editors for each of my previous MS. She found things that they both missed! Will be using Jill going forward. Her suggestions made the story tighter, while still keeping my voice. As an indie author, it’s worth every penny knowing that I am providing my readers with the quality they deserve.”

Samantha Thomas

The feedback I received from Bright Owl Edits was exactly what I needed to move forward with my work. I knew my writing was reviewed by an expert, was now free of errors, and that it would read really well. This left me feeling confident and empowered.

I can’t wait to work with them again on my next project!

Samantha Lovelace